about us

When Covid hit the livelihood of many people including, our lil’ Green Witch. She turned to what she knows best. Tarot cards, reading palms. A talent not many people are gifted with. During this time, she was able to keep her family afloat and simultaneously uplift spirits of those around her, in such a dreadful time.  Lost and depressed souls that needed that little jag of hope-ium, I directed to her for guidance. She helped many cope with what life was handing out. Soon, she was creating money jars for financial blessings. Blessed pendants for good luck and jars for love and happiness.  Since those days of despair things have blossomed. Since then, on a small scale we have continued in our community one tarot card at a time. Les Love Spells has grown and we see the potential of positively impacting many lives through our spells and jars.


Joy and love and happiness are the center of mission. We create from light. From the light we are able to channel positive changes to those who need.  The joyous energy manifested, the spells that are cast are only to accomplish positive results. There are reasons why people pray in masses. Combined energy makes for results. The Green Witch and myself are dedicated to Les Love Spells and the positive impact we create for those who look to improve their current situation. Be it Love Life, Success, Financial or Happiness in general.


We look forward to hearing from you and giving you the power to achieve your heart desires.

Blessings to all….


You feel as though something is amiss, not all things in your life are as you wish they would be. Don’t fear, everyone faces difficulties, trials and tribulations of some sort at some point in their lives. You have come to the right place; you are here for what we all seek in some shape or form. You seek abundance in your life in an area you feel is somewhat lacking. The abundance spell is exactly what you need in order to replace the deep, dark void that is depleting your energy, with an overflow of abundance and positive energy. It is hard and both emotionally and spiritually draining to live with this irking feeling, your energy is suffering from it, and the amount of focus that you have perhaps even unintentionally put onto what you are lacking is causing other areas of your life to be neglected, creating a visions cycle. This spell can break this cycle creating energetic and spiritual freedom, and is cast with the intention to make you feel whole, and your life abundant in all areas. To be bound in this spell is to be bound in countless blessings, and to be able to live a full and rich life free of feeling as though you are lacking or needing for something. Once cast you will feel a shift in your energy and in your life as the spell begins to work in your abundant favor.

Lost love retrieval spell

To have loved and lost is one of the biggest heartaches your heart will ever know, especially if you are still holding on to this love in your heart and wish you could retrieve it. As long as your loved one is still among the living, the lost love retrieval spell can help you get back what once was yours. The lost love retrieval spell is cast binding your intentions to bring your loved one back into your life, for another chance at love, making what may seem like an impossible feat to you into something right within your reach. Your will, devotion and commitment to this spell is absolute key as your energy and strength has to be strong enough to carry both you and your loved one into this journey. With this energy, we cast your spell into the universe to create alignment and opportunity and binding you and your loved one in love and happiness. Just imagine having your loved one back in your life again, back in your arms, the warm feeling of love, comfort and security again. There is nothing in the world that compares to this feeling, you know this to be true. It is the reason you are here; it is that feeling you wish to restore and we would be happy to help you do just that. Cultivating love and happiness for others gives us great karmic pleasure and gives you an extraordinary opportunity to retrieve what once was lost.

attract my soulmate

Perhaps you have experienced love before, but not the pure and undeniable kind of love and connection that one would feel had they met their soulmate. We believe that everyone has a soulmate, a wandering kindled spirit just for them. Casting this spell brings us great joy, as it is truly a karmic honor to help the powers that be of the universe to fulfill their true purpose. The unity of you with your intended soulmate will create a huge shift in your life, both in the flesh and in the cosmic energy of your being. Both you and your soulmate will experience a spiritual awakening and have an understanding of fate and destiny, all while experiencing one the highest forms of energy shifts and ability to manifest. They always say great things happen to those that wait, this is because those that haven’t been here will wait for chance, that within their lifetime the universe will align and bring forth their mate. We do not wait for luck or chance, we harvest your energy, intention and manifestation and bind it within the spell cast just for you.

For this reason, we ask that your intentions are pure and very clear in your request to bring forth into your life your true soulmate. We will cast a spell concocted just for you using your spiritual energy along with our craft abilities. We strongly believe that you will know the presence of your soulmate once they have entered your life, but you will have to acknowledge your senses and act upon them. You must not doubt or hesitate, remember your energy and intentions are bound to the spell and if your energy shifts, it will shift within the spell, with outcomes beyond the original intention. However, we believe that you are strong and ready for this spell. We do not believe in happenstance; you are here because this is what you need. Your spirit guides have brought you here so that we may provide you with what your spirit desires.


Your soulmate awaits, and every moment wasted on waiting is a moment in time you will never retrieve.

Detoxification spell (elimination of a toxic person from your life):

If you have come here, you have likely been a victim of someone’s toxic behavior. This could be an ex or even a family member, maybe even a friend turned foe. The trauma is all so well-known and yet so many times one finds themselves unable to fully disconnect. Perhaps you are no longer in a relationship with this person yet somehow, they still have a hold on you. This could be an emotional hold or a trauma related mental hold, but can also manifest as the constant back and forth returning to this person that you know all too well is not for you or good in any way shape or form for you. If you are in this situation and are struggling to set and maintain boundaries a detoxification spell is certainly right for you. With your intentions to disconnect from this individual and a spell cast specifically tailored to your situation, we can create a barrier and ensure that the boundary you are seeking and the elimination is completed with no harm to come to either party. This spell is cast with the intention to protect you from the toxicity of the one you seek to outcast from your life so that your energy may be cleansed and your spirit once again able to thrive. You must be clear about your intentions when you request this spell, as we can either cast a temporary suspension to allow you to heal while still maintaining this person in your life but in a more manageable way, or cast a full elimination that results in a full disconnect between you and the other person. We strongly advise that you put thought into your decision as once the cord is cut between you and another it can never be put back the way it was. The casting of this spell on someone you share a child with could result in a disconnect between that parent and the child as well and therefore should be used with caution.

The Dedicated Love

You know exactly what your heart desires. You have met that special someone that makes your heart skip a beat and gives you butterflies in your stomach. You dear, are in love, but maybe they don’t know it? Perhaps they haven’t noticed you, or they don’t feel the same way? Maybe you have fallen for someone that you haven’t even worked up the nerve to talk to yet. Love is such a wonderful feeling, and it is so much more amazing when it is reciprocated. You deserve to be loved in the deepest of ways, and the dedicated love spell can help you attain just that. Unwavering, undeniable, love as deep as the ocean. With the information you provide us about your loved one, and a deep understanding of your intentions for this spell, we will cast a dedicated love spell between you and your loved one. You will be noticed, and they will feel unexplainably drawn to you, effortlessly falling deeply in love with you. We advise caution when requesting this spell, as the dedicated love spell is a very strong spell. Ensure your intentions are pure, what you seek is the love of this person and not to be able to toy with their emotions for your pleasure and entertainment, or the demise or destruction of a different relationship they may be in. The karmic repercussions for this type of ill intended spell casting can be grave. Done in purity, this spell will bring you the love, joy and fulfillment you so deeply desire and deserve, leaving the fate of your romantic future in your hands.